Example: Before and After

Here's an actual example of facts marketed by the California Democratic Party in 1998...

  Frame facts with values to increase understanding


Under Democratic leadership in Washington, D.C. and Sacramento, California enjoys:

  1. Best economy in a generation—over a million new jobs

  2. First balanced budget in 30 years

  3. Lowest crime rates in 24 years

  4. Lower taxes for working families

  5. Reduced tuition at state colleges and universities

  6. Smaller class size

  7. Health care for 600,000 uninsured children

  8. More police on our streets

Try framing the same facts using our value words.  Get into this habit and discover that your audience will more likely stop and read or listen. You convey feeling when you use words like "responsible" or "opportunity".  Use the value words several times when framing.  Get closer to the way people think by aligning our facts with the values people can understand and relate to. 

Here's the same written list, but framed with easy to understand values...

  1. OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL — Best economy in a generation—over a million new jobs

  2. RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT — First balanced budget in 30 years

  3. SAFETY and SECURITY — Lowest crime rates in 24 years;  More police on our streets

  4. OPPORTUNITY FOR A BETTER FUTURE  — Reduced tuition at state colleges and universities; Smaller class size

  5. FAIRNESS — Lower taxes for working families

  6. ze="2" color="#008000">PROTECTION — Health care for 600,000 uninsured children

(From a California voter guide in 1998, the good old days)





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